Rules & Etiquette

The basics of bowls
All bowlers should familiarise themselves with these and any relevant club laws.
In addition to the laws, a certain amount of etiquette is expected to be followed. The etiquette guidelines in the document below are all based on common courtesy, which should make them easy to remember.
Bowls should be fun however we should respect the rules.
For bowlers and spectators
- Do not distract bowlers who are bowling towards you, by moving or walking across the end of the rink. Wait until the bowl has been delivered, then move.
- Avoid interrupting other players when they are on the green, particularly during competitive matches. If you need to speak to players, it should be before or after their game.
- Please protect the green by using the correct equipment.
- Do not leave rubbish or empty glasses for other people to remove.
Click here for a guide to Lawn Green Bowls
Please find the Stevenage Town Bowls Rules and Constitution and the etiquette of bowls downloadable documents below